Monday, July 22, 2013

"Homemade" Grease Stain Remover

I have a green New York and Company shirt made primarily of polyester. It's the type of shirt that shows every water spot and everything else. I thought I had done it in the other day as I got a grease stain right down the front. Go figure!

I washed it and it didn't come out so I figured I'd do a search online for a stain remover and if it didn't work, consider that the shirt had a good run. My online stain remover worked! I will file that one away for future use. Here's the trick:

A mixture of liquid dish detergent (Dawn) and baking soda. Use enough soap to make a paste and then put it on you garment (I don't know if it works for non-polyester garments), scrub it in with your nail. Let it sit for at least 10 minutes. Wash like normal.

Stain magically gone!

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